February 28, 2024
Franchises rely on teamwork. A strong franchisor-franchisee relationship is key to success. Franchise Advisory Councils (FACs) are a powerful tool to build this connection.
What is a FAC?
Imagine a meeting where franchisees can share ideas and concerns with the franchisor in a safe space. That’s a FAC in action! The franchisor listens and considers this valuable feedback to improve the franchise system.
Why are FACs important?
Stronger relationships:
Open communication builds trust and strengthens the bond between franchisor and franchisees.Better decision-making:
Franchisees, the ones on the front lines, can offer unique insights. The franchisor can use this knowledge to make better choices for the entire network.Happier franchisees, happier customers:
By addressing franchisee challenges, the franchisor can help create a more successful and satisfying experience for everyone.
Who benefits?
Everyone! Here’s how:
They get a voice and can influence positive changes.Franchisor:
They gain valuable insights and build stronger relationships.Customers:
A healthy franchise system leads to better customer service.
Running a FAC effectively:
Start small:
Hold quarterly meetings with a clear agenda and follow-up minutes.Pick the right people:
Choose franchisees who understand the business and can represent everyone’s interests.Keep it focused:
FAC discussions should address broad franchise issues, not individual concerns.Respect the hierarchy: The franchisor has the final say, but should consider FAC suggestions.
Set clear rules:
By-laws establish expectations for everyone involved.Keep it positive:
A friendly atmosphere encourages open communication.
There’s more to come!
In our next blog post, we’ll delve deeper into running a successful FAC, including avoiding common pitfalls and achieving great results. We’ll also provide sample FAC By-Laws to get you started.
Ready to build a stronger franchise system?
Consider establishing a FAC. It’s an investment in open communication and a recipe for shared success!