Converting to Onboarding (and Franchisee)

Learn how to convert from a Candidate to an Onboarding and Franchise record.

(3 mins)

Onboarding Candidates in franchizemanager

After a Candidate completes the recruitment process and signs the franchise agreement, the next step is transitioning them into onboarding and setting up their franchise record infranchizemanager

Step 1: Confirm the Candidate is Ready for Onboarding

Ensure the Candidate has completed the recruitment process and signed the franchise agreement.

Step 2: Update Candidate Status to ā€œAppointed Franchiseā€

  1. On the left, clickCandidates. blank
  2. Open the Candidateā€™s profile.
  3. At the top of the Candidateā€™s profile, clickChange Status > Close / Onboard Candidate. blank
  4. A window will pop up. This window will let you select the outcome of the Candidate. blank
  5. In the ā€œOutcomeā€ dropdown, clickAppointed Franchise.
  6. Select the date. blank
  7. Add notes in theNotes section, such as the Candidateā€™s franchise region or territory.
  8. At the bottom, clickSave.
  9. At the top of the Candidateā€™s profile, a green ā€œOnboard Candidateā€ button will appear. blank

Step 3: Start the Onboarding Process

  1. At the top of the Candidateā€™s profile, clickOnboard Candidate. blank
  2. A confirmation window will pop up. Click Yes.
  3. Choose anOnboarding Template.If no templates are available, contact support to create and configure one for onboarding. blank
  4. At the bottom, clickContinue.
  5. Once you select a template, a new onboarding record for the Candidate is automatically created blank

Step 4: Set Up the Onboarding Record

  1. Under the ā€œOnboard Detailsā€ section, choose theStart Date. blank
  2. To complete the initial onboarding setup, at the top right, click Save

Step 5: Access the New Franchise Record

A franchise record linked to the Candidateā€™s profile is automatically generated.
  1. On the left, clickFranchises. blank
  2. Choose the Candidateā€™s new franchise record in the list of franchises. blank

Step 6: Finalise the Franchise Record Details

  1. Open the franchise record and update the following details: blank
    • Franchise Name: Enter the Candidateā€™s specific territory.
    • Type: Select the appropriate franchise type or category.
    • Documents: Upload any necessary franchise agreement documents or other related files.
  2. At the top, clickSave.


Usingfranchizemanager to transition a candidate from recruitment to an active franchisee ensures that each step is accurately completed and documented. This organised process captures all key details, helping you onboard new franchisees smoothly and integrate them effectively into your network. Contact the support team for additional support with templates or franchise record management.