How to add, manage and use Note Templates in FZM.
(2:34 mins)
The Notes module works across various other modules within FZM. It allows a user to record time-stamped notes within the system. The notes are interrelated with other records in the system, for example the notes could be related to a Franchisee, a Candidate or many other modules of the system.
Adding Notes
The most common way to add notes when working on a record such as a Candidate record or a Franchise record is by going to the Notes panel and clicking theNew Note button.

The note form will display as a modal popup to the right of the screen. From here, it’s quick and easy to enter your Notes. You have the option to set the date, which is useful if you want to backdate a note. You can also set the color by clicking on theNote Color icon as shown in the image below.

Using Note Templates
Note Templates are a productivity tool, you can set them up in advance and then use them over and again. They are great when you pre-set content such as questions or a format you wish to copy for a certain note. Think things like:
- An interview guide (set of questions) for a recruitment CandidateÂ
- A periodic support call with a Franchise Partner with a set AgendaÂ
- A customer questionnaire following some customer complaints.
Creating and Editing Note Templates
You will need Admin access to set up note templates.
To add and edit note templates, click on:
- Admin>Template Notes > Edit Note Templates
From here you can view note templates and click on the one you want to edit. To create a template, click onNew Note Template.

Give the new note template a friendly name (1) of your choosing then simply type in your new note content (2). Save the changes and your new template is ready to use.

Using Note Templates:
Where available simply click on the buttonNew Template Note then select your template using the friendly name you entered above:

Your Note will appear with your pre-written content. Save as a normal Note.
Quick Note Feature
In the top right corner of the system is a button for quickly adding notes:

This button is useful if you need to quickly add a note to a franchise record. In this case, there is no need to search and find a specific franchise record to add a note. Simply click the button shown on the image and the note form will appear. You can also set the related Franchise record in the drop down at the top of the form as shown below.

Find A Note from Anywhere
All Notes from across the system can be accessed from the left-hand side menu allowing a user to add generic (non-related) notes and search through the notes across the entire system. This is helpful if you want to find a note that you previously entered but can’t remember which record you used.