Getting Started with SMS

Setting Up SMS Feature

Australia & most other countries – two methods:

  1. Mobile number “masking” – we send FROM your phone number, but under this option we can not process replies back into FZM. Therefore it is recommended we purchase a mobile number as above, so we can process replies into FZM. 

  2. Buy a number dedicated for the system. With this, the system gets its own number and if the candidate replies, the message goes back into the system, you get a notification when there is a SMS reply and this is recorded against the Candidate record.


US carriers can no longer support using application-to-person (A2P) SMS messaging over local, unregistered long codes. This is following the recent laws mandated by the US on sending SMS and preventing spams.

If you want to send an SMS through FZM, the process will be:

  1. Buy a number for your system
  2. Register your brand and campaign by filling out this form: SMS 10DLC Registration Form

For more information on 10DLC, follow this link.

For cost related to setting up of custom number, send an email inquiry to

Creating SMS Templates

SMS templates are useful for frequently used messages. You set them up once for multiple future use and they may be edited and deleted at any time.

To create a template go to the Admin module, under the Templates-Communication panel, select Edit SMS Templates.

Select Add New SMS Templates and type in the template name and SMS message, Hit Save & Close. Repeat as necessary. You may edit or delete the template in the future by using the same steps and clicking the appropriate button/s.

Sending SMS

From the Candidate Record, select Send then choose (A) Send Template SMS or (B) Send Blank SMS.


A. Choose the appropriate SMS template and hit Continue. You can send the message as it is or edit as needed.

B. Type your message and click Send.

Receiving Replies

If your FZM is set up to have a custom number, the messages and replies are recorded in the system. The system finds the related Candidate record and logs the SMS response. To view the SMS history, just click on the SMS button. Messages are color coded; green = Sent, blue = Replies.